192606 English for Busy People (中級英文會話)

7 月 8th, 2019 // In: 板橋社區大學課程 // By: Comments 0

課程編號 192606
課程名稱 English for Busy People (中級英文會話)
課程講師 Radovan Škultéty (雷多聞)
課程主旨 1.“不聞不若聞之,聞之不若見之﹔見之不若知之,知之不若行之﹔學至於行而止矣。” 中國先秦哲學家荀子(公元前310-235)
2. “Schola ludus,以遊戲為學”(Komenský 考門司機(1592 – 1670)捷克教育家,所謂的“現代教育之父”的教育主旨)我們的課程教材English Result很符合這種教育主旨。這系列教材使用幾個學期後確認是最適合社區大學課程使用,既生動又好玩,讓大家學英文很開心有趣。
3. 熟能生巧:學外語需要一定的自律和長期性。不過最重要的是不要怕説話,也不要怕說錯了。Don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
講師簡介 歐洲斯洛伐克人,具有TESOL英語教育執照及很多年的教外語經驗,在板橋社區大學開課快十年了。國立臺灣大學外文係在讀博士生,中英文皆精通。Rado不斷地改善他的教育方式以便提供板大學生更適合他們的水平和需求的學習經驗。他一直以來比較喜歡稱呼自己是“主持人”或者“導遊”而不是“老師”,因爲他的教育方式更像玩遊戲、帶領學生一起探索英文的美麗和秘密而不像傳統的上課方式。
上課時間 週一 晚上19:00~21:30
上課地點 板橋社區大學 忠孝國中校區
選課條件 Course description: This is an intermediate English conversation course focusing on practical communication skills; however, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are also regularly practiced. The course is substantially revised, topic-oriented. It stresses the use of English in everyday life combined with learning about the world in English. Students play central role in the class as they actively create the content with one-on-one conversations, discussions, games and songs, topic presentations etc. Please, check out this welcome speech made by David, one of our students: https://youtu.be/02b1uo1cERs

選課學員條件:If you understand this introduction, you are good to enroll. The textbook itself is designed for CEFR level B1 students. We have a wonderful class of “old” students and we welcome all new students! (For new students: please, take this online English test, both Grammar & Vocabulary and Listening. If you can reach level B1 in all tests, your English skills level is enough to take this course.) The most important prerequisite is, however, the motivation and enthusiasm to constantly improve your English, willingness to share your life experience with your classmates and to participate in the classroom activities. Students are also expected to deliver short presentations (3 – 5 min.) on assigned topics related to the course readings.
週 次 內 容 週 次 內 容
第一週 祝大家踏入新的學年有個愉快的開始。歡迎新同學 Welcome new students. Course introduction. Review and games. 第十週 Unit 4. (continued)
第二週 Unit 1. I’ve been running. Pages 4 – 9. S: Describing hobbies. V: Hobbies. G: Present perfect continuous. L: People talking about their hobbies. R: An unusual hobby. W: An e-mail about your talents. 第十一週 Unit 5. Gotta have it! C: Discussing technology. V: Technology. G: Infinitives and gerunds. L: Reviews of apps. R: Human-like robots. W: An ad for an online auction. V: Making a word-of-the-day calendar.
第三週 Unit 1. (continued) 第十二週 Unit 5. (continued)
第四週 Unit 2. I wonder what it’s about. Pages 10 – 15. S: Describing TV shows. V: Entertainment programs. G: Indirect questions. L: Scenes from a show. R: Internet celebrities. C: Making suggestions. 第十三週 Unit 6. He’d never been abroad. C: Describing events. V: Adjectives and adverbs. G: The past perfect. L: People talking about unfortunate travel events. R: A travel accident. W: Part of a short story.C: Expressing emotion.
第五週 Unit 2. (continued) 第十四週 Unit 6. (continued)
第六週 Unit 3. It was painted by Banksy. Pages 16 – 21. C: Talking about art. V: Art styles. G: Passives. L: People on museum tours. R: A famous artist. W: A description of your capital city. V: Learning new words along with specific examples. 第十五週 Review Units 4 – 6. Pages 42 – 43.
第七週 Unit 3. (continued) 第十六週 Year-end party full of surprise! Abbreviations: C: conversation, S: speaking, V: vocabulary, G: grammar, L: listening, R: reading, W: writing
第八週 Review Units 1 – 3. Pages 22 – 23. 第十七週 公共論壇與社區講座活動、教與學成果研討
第九週 Unit 4. Who’s your best friends? Pages 24 – 29. C: Describing people. V: Personality adjectives. G: Relative clauses (object). L: People talking about close friends. R: Famous friendships. C: Starting a conversation. 第十八週 公共論壇與社區講座活動、教與學成果研討
授課方式 一套訓練學生開口說道地流利美式英語的教材,透過兼具幽默感及真實情境的主題,鼓勵學生在課堂上練會話,一起創造英文語言環境。另外,每一節課内容都包括語法、詞彙和發音,但主要是以聼和說爲主,紮實訓練學生完整的口語會話能力。本課程一個禮拜僅上一次課,因此上課前後的預習以及復習都很重要。
評鑑方式 本課程一個星期僅僅上一次課所以學生上課出席率滿分才能達到預算的學習效果。對學生要求主動參與課堂活動,經常準備口頭報告。本課程沒有設定考試但上課内容本質包括不斷地測試學生的進步。上課出席率須達四分之三就可以拿到成績單。
閱讀資料 課程主要教材為牛津大學出版社出版的Smart Choice 3A。這是本教材的第三版,證明了這個課本非常受歡迎。教材設計的特色是one page = one lesson。除了豐富的書上内容,教材還包括網絡練習(共30個小時練習時間)和On the Move用手機隨時練英文。教材陪伴錄音和錄影文件可以從網上免費下載。另外,既然智慧型手機已經成爲大部分學生的日常生活少不了的夥伴,爲什麽不用它來學習英文?
For more information on the textbook Smart Choice, check the following link:https://elt.oup.com/catalogue/items/global/adult_courses/smart_choice_third_edition/
For a video introduction to the course textbook, please check: https://youtu.be/loOWT9CsnKg
選課學員條件:If you understand this introduction, you are good to enroll. The textbook itself is designed for CEFR level B1 students. We have a wonderful class of “old” students and we welcome all new students! (For new students: please, take this online English test, both Grammar & Vocabulary and Listening. If you can reach level B1 in all tests, your English skills level is enough to take this course.) The most important prerequisite is, however, the motivation and enthusiasm to constantly improve your English, willingness to share your life experience with your classmates and to participate in the classroom activities. Students are also expected to deliver short presentations (3 – 5 min.) on assigned topics related to the course readings.
材料費用 本教材是課本和練習本的合訂版,原價500元,集體下單可打85折。 開學后另外收一次影印費50元

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