151627 跟著外籍老師學英文會話進階

12 月 3rd, 2014 // In: 板橋社區大學課程 // By: Comments 0

課程編號 151627
課程名稱 跟著外籍老師學英文會話進階
課程講師 Radovan(雷多聞)
課程主旨 1.“不聞不若聞之,聞之不若見之﹔見之不若知之,知之不若行之﹔學至於行而止矣。”(中國先秦哲學家荀子)
2. “Schola ludus,以遊戲為學”(Komenský 考門司機,1592 – 1670 捷克教育家,所謂的“現代教育之父”的教育主旨)我們的課程教材, American English File,使用幾個學期后確認是最適合社區大學學生使用,既生動又好玩,讓大家學英文感覺很開心。
3. 熟能生巧:學外語需要一定的自律和長期性。不過最重要的是不怕説話,也不怕說錯了。
講師簡介 歐洲斯洛伐克人,具有TESOL英語教育執照及5年以上教外語經驗,在板橋社區大學開課四年了。國立臺灣大學外文係在讀博士生,中英文皆精通。Rado不斷地改善他的教育方式以便提供板大學生更適合他們的水平和需求的學習經驗。他一直以來比較喜歡稱呼自己是“主持人”或者“導遊”而不是“老師”,因爲他的教育方式更像玩遊戲、帶領學生一起探索英文的美麗和秘密而不像傳統的上課方式。
上課時間 週一 晚上19:00~21:30
上課地點 板橋社區大學 忠孝國中校區
選課條件 This is an intermediate English course that focuses on reading and communication skills, however, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are also given equal importance. The students are expected to have finished American English File (AEF) 2 or to possess relevant vocabulary and reading & speaking skills. (For new students: you can take this online English test, both Grammar & Vocabulary and Listening. If you can reach at least level B1 in all tests, you are good to enroll in our course.) Compared to AEF 2, the lessons are 2x longer – four pages each –so students are required to do a thorough preview and review before each class. The most important prerequisite is, however, the motivation and enthusiasm to join our class, participate in the classroom activities and have fun.
週 次 內 容 週 次 內 容
第一週 Welcome new students. Review of American English File 2. 第十週 Unit 3A. Modern manners. Talking about cell phones and manners.
第二週 Unit 1A. Fool: fuel or pleasure? Talking about eating habits. 第十一週 Unit 3B. Judging by appearances. Interview with a musician.
第三週 Unit 1B. If you really want to win, cheat. Telling a story. 第十二週 Unit 3C. If at first you don’t succeed, … Psychologist talking about learning new skills.
第四週 Unit 1C. We are family. 第十三週 Practical English: Renting an apartment. Writing: An informal letter. Review.
第五週 Practical English: Introductions. Writing: Describing a person. Review. 第十四週 Unit 4A. Back to school, age 35. Talking about education.
第六週 Unit 2A. Ka-ching! My life without money. 第十五週 Unit 4B. In an ideal world… Describing your dream house.
第七週 Unit 2B. Changing your life. An interview with an American living in Ecuador. 第十六週 Unit 4C. Still friends? Talking about friendship.
第八週 Unit 2C. Race to the sun. Talking about road safety. 第十七週 公共論壇與社區講座活動、教與學成果研討
第九週 Practical English: In the office. Writing: Telling a story. Review. 第十八週 公共論壇與社區講座活動、教與學成果研討
授課方式 一套訓練學生開口說道地流利美式英語的教材,透過兼具幽默感及真實情境的主題,鼓勵學生在課堂上說英語。教材內容豐富,每一節課内容都包括語法、詞彙和發音不過主要是以聼和說爲主,紮實訓練學生完整的口語會話能力。除了課本以外教師還使用一系列補充資料。遊戲也是課程架構中的一部份。本課程一個禮拜僅上一次課,因此上課前後的預習以及復習是必然重要的。
評鑑方式 本課程一個星期僅僅上一次課所以學生上課出席率滿分才能達到預算的學習效果。對學生要求主動參與課堂活動,課程内容認真地復習和預習。本課程沒有設定傳統的考試,上課的内容會不斷地測試學生的進步。上課出席率須達四分之三就可以拿到成績單。
閱讀資料 主要教材為牛津大學出版社出版的American English File 3。老師另外提供補充資料。教材組成五個部分:課本(原價610元)、練習本(原價300元)、錄音CD(1100元,整個班一起買一套就夠了)、 DVD(3600元,整個班一起買一套就夠了)和教師本(2200元,整個班一起買一本就夠了)。學生一起訂購教材的話會打折,這樣教材的部分一個學生的費用不會超過1200元而且教材可以實用兩個學期(包括下個學年的上個學年)。教材陪伴錄音文件由老師安排拷貝給學生。
Textbook description One important feature of this textbook is the amusement factor. The reading texts are interesting for the students even if they were written in Chinese. The Student Book has seven files. Each file contains lessons A, B and C (four pages each!) and Practical English lesson plus a Review & Check. At the back of the book there is Grammar Bank, Vocabulary Bank and Sound Bank. Workbook contains a three-page section for practice and review for each A-C lesson. Students are also encouraged to use the attached MultiROM which is a CD-ROM with review of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Practical English and Dictation. It’s also a CD to be used on a CD player or computer. It has the audio material for the Workbook listening activities. Last but not least, there is a student website (https://elt.oup.com/student/americanenglishfile/3/?cc=tw&selLanguage=zh) that contains extra learning resources for more practice at home. For more info on the textbook, check https://elt.oup.com/catalogue/items/global/adult_courses/american_english_file/level_3/9780194774482?cc=global&selLanguage=en&mode=hub
材料費用 影印費60元

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